• Jearldean Tarkinton

    7 Jan 2018
Name: Jearldean Tarkinton
Location: Plainview, AR
D.O.B.: 07/30/1947
D.O.D.: 01/07/2018

  • Jearldean Tarkinton passed away peacefully on Sunday, January 7th, 2018 with her children and sister, Nadean Jones, at her side.

    Jearldean was born July 30th, 1947 in Aly, Arkansas to Otto and Verl Potter. 

    She was a wonderful mother to her children, Danny & Christina, and loving wife to her husband, Elvin, of 31 years before he passed in 2002. They loved living in the country and enjoyed fishing and camping together with family and friends. She was very close to her mother and father, whom she lived next to and looked after until they passed. Quiet, unassuming and down-to-earth, she never wanted to be the center of attention. She was a compassionate, caring and empathetic person who would do whatever she could to help her family and friends. What you saw is what you got with her – no pretenses. She was genuine. 

    Jearldean spent 40+ years of her life working at Munro & Company (Mt. Ida Footwear) where she loved her job and co-workers. They were her 2nd family. 

    Jearldean is survived by her children – Danny Tarkinton of Mt. Ida; Christina Watson and her husband Randy of DeRidder, LA; grandchildren- Kinsey Tarkinton of Bella Vista, AR; Kirsten and Christopher Watson of DeRidder, LA; siblings – Vanita Spears, Nadean Jones, and Carney Potter; numerous nieces and nephews; and special family members – Janice Potter (cousin) and Sue Lowe (aunt). 

    She was preceded in death by her parents Otto & Verl Potter and siblings – Doris Clemmons, Jerry Whitworth and James Potter. 

    The family wishes to recognize the outstanding care and support the Jearldean received from the Montgomery County Nursing Home staff during her battle with lung cancer.  

    Graveside service will be Saturday January 13, 2018 at 10:00 am at Mount Olive Cemetery in Oden, AR.

    Arrangements were made under the direction of Thornton Funeral Home of Mount Ida, AR. Guest register at www.thorntonfh.com


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  • Comments below are approved by Thornton Funeral Home before they are displayed.


    I am so sorry to hear this, I enjoyed working with her at Mt Ida shoe plant, I know she will be missed


    Christena. I am so sorry. She was such a nice lady and will be missed. In case you are not aware of who I am. I worked with you at partains grocery.


    So sorry for your loss. Blessings to you and your family Danny. 🎋


    Danny, Sorry for the loss of your mother. Our prayers are with you and your family. May God bless and comfort as only He can.


    My sincere condolences to your family. May you find comfort in the promise of Revelation 21:4 of a time when death will be no more and loved ones will be reunited.


    A beautiful wonderful lady! I will miss her.


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